This movie had me as soon as the trailers played Led
Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song.”
Asgard faces its greatest threat yet when the death of Odin
(Anthony Hopkins) releases his villainous daughter Hela (Cate Blanchett) from
her imprisonment. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) are banished
to the other end of the universe, where Thor is forced to be a gladiator and
fights against a familiar and surprising face: the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo). The two
Avengers join forces once more, this time joined by Loki and fellow Asgadian
Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) to make their way back to Asgard and stop Hela’s wave
of death.
This movie is such a blast from beginning to end. I’ve never
really disliked the other Thor movies (even though I think Thor: The Dark World is
probably the weakest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe), but this movie
made me realize that the other movies had problems that were hindering it from
becoming the Thor movie I really
wanted. Specifically, it takes away Earth as a major set piece, allowing the
film to take place entirely in space and become more of its own thing. And it
gets rid of the human characters in favor of a more interesting supporting
Thor has become a more wise-cracking hero (most likely due
to spending so much time with mortals like Tony Stark) with a new awkward charm
about him, which serves to make him more human and likeable. Even though this
movie is called Thor: Ragnarok, the
Hulk gets a lot of time to shine. The Jolly Green Giant has come a long way
since we last saw him, now being able to speak better due to not turning back
into Banner for two years. Him and Thor have a lot of good scenes together that
show a new softness to the Hulk that we’ve never really seen before in these
Loki returns in full force as well. In previous movies
(especially The Dark World), Loki was
the best character in the film, and the emphasis placed on his fan appeal
winded up making him steal the spotlight from some of the other characters
(most egregiously Malekith, the actual main villain of The Dark World). Here, Loki is still a great character, Tom
Hiddleston puts another memorable performance, and he gets some more character
development, but his presence doesn’t overshadow the other characters in the film.
Which is good, since the movie introduces some new cast members that need their
fair share of attention.
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Eat your heart out, Batman V Superman. |
Hela is our main villain. With Marvel being on a recent good
track record regarding more memorable villains (see Zemo, Ego, and the
Vulture), how does Hela play out? She’s pretty good, but they honestly could
have done more. Cate Blanchett’s performance is one of the best things about
this character, as well as her untamed badassery when it comes to her fight
scenes. As the “Goddess of Death”, they could have given Hela the standard
“shoots a wave of death out of her hands” powers (which seemed to be the case
in the trailers), but they instead elect to show her massacring Asgardgian
soldiers with her bare hands and weird knife-summoning powers. It’s a damn cool
fight scene, and she even gets another one later when she fights Thor
The problem with Hela is that she’s set up as Odin’s
firstborn daughter and the secret sister of Thor and Loki, yet these aspects
aren’t touched on all that much. Odin’s plot-convenient death is what causes
her appearance, so that means the two never get to share scenes that deal with
Odin imprisoning her and all that stuff about the Nine Realms being built on
death and destruction. She and Thor are separated for most of the movie until
the climax, meaning that they can’t have any interactions as brother and
sister. This kind of antagonistic sibling relationship works with Thor and Loki
because they share a lot of scenes together in previous movies as well as this
one that deal with the fallout of a sibling becoming your worst enemy. Because
Thor and Hela barely share any of the movie together, they can’t build on that
relationship, and the climax feels less like “Thor fighting an evil family
member” and more like “Thor fights another powerful villain.” But Hela is in no
way a bad villain, and the movie definitely makes her memorable.
The other new characters are pretty good additions as well.
The Grandmaster, played by Jeff Goldblum, is another antagonist in this movie.
He’s basically playing himself, just in weird space makeup and flashy clothes.
He’s amazingly over-the-top and weird in every scene he’s in, and as a, uh, uh,
uh, Jeff Goldblum, uh, fan, I’m very grateful he was in this movie, and I
really hope he returns in the MCU at some point. Korg the rock-man was another
standout character, voiced by the director of the movie Taika Waititi. He’s
charming, funny, and utterly likeable, making any scene he’s in always
something memorable. But the best new character has to be Valkyrie. She’s got a
troubled past of watching her fellow Valkyries be slaughtered by Hela, which
turned her into an alcoholic scrapper working for the Grandmaster. She goes
through probably the best character development in the movie, and has some good
chemistry with Thor and the Hulk. Plus, she’s a badass lady warrior, and badass
lady warriors are always welcome in my superhero movies (especially since this
one decided to shelve Lady Sif for some reason).
Doctor Strange also has a cameo in this movie that probably
could have been cut, but I’m not mad he was in it. His entire purpose in the
movie seems to be just to build the world of the MCU more and establish a
connection between heroes and franchises, much like Falcon’s appearance in Ant-Man. His role of being the person to
lead Thor and Loki to Odin (and therefore the rest of the plot) could have
really been taken by anyone (even Loki himself), and his portion of the film
where he abducts Loki and freaks Thor out with his magical abilities does seem
like a bit of a detour from the main film, but it didn’t ruin the entire movie
for me. I do however wish that they had brought the good doctor back later in
the film, maybe to help in the climax to some degree, like what the movie did
with Surtur.
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God bless this man. |
The movie is more lighthearted and jokey than the previous
Thor movies, which allows the movie to be one big bombastic romp throughout. As
I’ve stated in previous reviews, some of the more recent Marvel films seem to
rely a little too much on comedy and silliness at times, but I’ve never seen it
as a huge problem. (Compared to the grimdark movies that started out DC’s
cinematic universe, I was grateful.) However, there are a few points in this
movie where the jokes could have definitely been dialed back to let other
scenes have their emotional weight. For example, the destruction of Asgard is
set up as a punchline to one of Korg’s quips, and then it immediately expects
me to feel sad by cutting to a bunch of Asgardians watching their home die.
Could we not let the destruction of an entire world be left as a serious
The set designs are beautiful, and a lot more memorable than
anything in the previous Thor movies. Sakaar and the Grandmaster’s arena all
have this beautifully bright and colorful sci-fi aesthetic to it that calls to
mind the work of classic comic book artist Jack Kirby. It’s a major step up
from The Dark World, where when Thor
visits another world, it’s primary characteristic is “gray.” Even Asgard looks
brighter and newer in this movie, and we get to see more of it than we ever did
in previous movies, almost as if it’s trying to counteract the other places we
get to visit.
The soundtrack is one of the best in any MCU movie. The
previous Thor movies elected for
bombastic, high fantasy-esque music. Ragnarok
still has some of that, but mixes it in with retro synth pop that still manages
to feel big and epic. The film is scored by Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo, and
given that the film draws a lot of inspiration from Marvel’s cosmic stories of
the ‘70’s and ‘80’s, this feels appropriate. Also, the climax is partially scored
by the aforementioned “Immigrant Song.” Meaning that we get heart-pounding
classic rock playing over a suped-up Thor and Valkyrie fighting the undead,
Hulk battling a giant wolf, and Skurge the Executioner making his last stand
wielding two AK-47’s. Bad. Ass.
If you want a
definition for the term “epicly awesome”, look no further than Thor: Ragnarok. It’s got memorable and
likeable characters, beautiful set designs and cinematography, a fun,
balls-to-the-wall atmosphere, a killer soundtrack, a Jeff Goldblum out of touch
with reality, and one of the best climaxes in an MCU movie to date. The fight
against Hela escalates so much that the heroes have to BRING THE APOCALYPSE ITSLEF
to destroy Asgard and finally defeat Hela. Top that, Infinity War! The problems I did have with this movie were mostly
minor, and none of them ruined the film for me. It’s the best Thor movie, but
it’s also surprisingly the best Hulk movie.
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Mortal Kombat (2017): Starring Chris Hemsworth as Raiden. |
Previously, I had thought the first Thor was the best of them. But Thor
3 makes Thor 1 look like Thor 2.
Final verdict: 9/10.
Now I can't wait for Infinity War to show the Avengers reacting to the changes in status quo over the past three years. Tony and Steve are at odds, Hulk's semi-intelligent, Thor's missing an eye and Mjolnir and Asgard's destroyed, and now there's this talking raccoon from space...
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